Fortnite Season 6 is Here!!!

Unfortunately, season 5 of Fortnite Battle Royale has ended. The all-new season 6 skins are here and the map has changed (a little)! The skins this season aren’t that creative, though. There is a red riding hood skin and a werewolf skin. The pets are a new item that you can get from the battle pass. Their expressions change as you do different things, like getting knocked down or winning the game. The major change of season 6, though, is the floating island. Do you remember Loot Lake? Well now, there is a huge whirlpool in the middle where the house used to be. The cube rose into the sky, with the house island under it, and left a giant hole in the lake! Of course, we were all forlorn when the lake turned blue again, but this is good too. But aside from the map changes, there are a few new guns like the grappler and the quad-launcher. But the best part of the update by far is playground v3.0. You can now adjust the gravity, whether you take fall damage, what time of day, and much more! On top of all of that good new stuff, there is a new trap called the freeze trap. This makes your feet blocks of ice. Because of the ice, you hardly have any traction at all. This comes in handy when the storm is coming and you don’t have any bouncers or launchpads. You just skate down the side of a mountain, and you go super fast! However, to every good thing, there is a bad part. If you try to use a freeze trap at the top of a hill and you accidentally trigger it beforehand,  you can slide down the back end and go straight into the storm you were running from. You can’t turn back and speed the other way unless you have a grappler with you. By the time it runs out, you will have died to the storm (I know this from experience). But enough with talking about new items, because the gameplay is just as exciting. Going into a match with my friends, I immediately notice that a lot of people are building massive structures and having build battles. These pugnacious tryhards are people who don’t play Fortnite for fun but to earn XP and tiers.  They are so good that it only takes less than a minute for you to die in a 1v1 with one of them. After being killed many times, we decided to throw in the towel and play a match on Playground mode. The thing I like about playground mode is that you can always talk to the people you are playing against. We got our guns, then started playing against each other. You also respawn in this mode, so you can play up to an hour in one game. I found both of the new guns and used them with great pleasure. However, my latent skills of playing Fortnite have not awakened yet. The new season in Fortnite had many new items and changes, and I know for sure that I will be playing it a lot with my friends, or by myself.

What does Fortnite look like?

Now, for the people who have already read my many other Fortnite posts, I just realized that without telling you about what Fortnite looks like, I had just jumped straight into the game! That’s like playing a match against Nadal without ever playing! So in this blog post, I will tell you readers about what Fortnite looks like inside the game.

When you are entering the game, you go to a place called the lobby. The lobby is called Spawn Island, because, well, it’s an island on which people spawn on. As simple as that. There are weapons with ammo next to them littered across the ground, and people shoot each other with them for fun. You can do almost everything you could do in the real game. Of course, the exception is that you can not take damage on spawn island. Spawn Island doesn’t look like the real Fortnite island, but a lot of the aspects are the same. There are still little houses with things in them and big rocks that you can mine for brick/stone.

After about 10-20 seconds on Spawn Island, you get on the battle bus. if you open the map, you will see a lot of places to go to. Some are in the desert, some are golf courses, and some are even metropolitan cities. You have the whole map in front of you, and you can go anywhere you want. If you choose to go to Tilted Towers, be prepared to have a lot of people in one place. Tilted Towers is basically a small town with a clock tower, apartments, and even a pawn shop! However, if you choose to go to the lonely lodge mansion, there is usually only one other person there besides you. The mansion is something that you would see atop a hill with everything else below it and of less importance. It has a big garden, and trimmed bushes. It actually surprises me that hardly anyone ever goes there.

But wherever you land, you can not deny that that Fortnite is an extremely exciting and fun game to play.

A Newbie’s Guide to Fortnite

I have been playing Fortnite for a while now, and it has just gotten better and better throughout 3 months. I’m still learning some things, but mostly I have got down the basics. For everyone reading this post that has played the game, I have a few kills but no wins in any game mode (not including Playground and 50 v 50 V3). But for all of you guys that haven’t played yet, here are a few tips you need to know before/when you start playing.

1. Learn how to build/edit quickly and efficiently. I think you need this skill a lot because when some one is shooting at you, you need to know how to protect yourself before even shooting at them. Practice making 1 by 1s (small cubes to hide in), and when you think you are fast enough, you can start working on editing your structures. Editing your structures is always useful, from making an arch from a wall or making a window in your one by one. If you want to get even more cheeky, build a one by one with a window and try to snipe your enemies. If you get shot, quickly put a damage trap above you and then go back to trying to kill your opponent. If they kill you, keep spectating them and wait for them to get your weapons. Before trying this trick, make sure you have at least one gold item to lure your opponent in. If it works, the enemy will walk into the one by one and die immediately from the damage trap that you placed.

2. Learn how to aim and shoot calmly. When I first started playing Fortnite, I always panicked when someone was anywhere near me. When we were in combat, I kept jumping and missing my shots. If you can aim properly, over time you will get better at killing people and you might even get some wins too. You might also want to specialize in one weapon because that will make you a better player.

In conclusion, you should get better at both of these skills to become better than some of your friends. I hope you guys enjoyed this blog post, and there will definitely be more on Fortnite in the future. But for now, I have to go. Ciao!


Fortnite: To play or not to play, that is the question…

This is a post for all of you parents that are wondering whether you should give your kid permission to play it. They might have told you all the good parts of it, but I’m here to tell you both sides of this new craze. For first impressions, Fortnite may seem like just a dumb first person shooter game, but in the game, there is much more than just that. Some critics say that the game is a mix between Minecraft and the Hunger Games. You build structures to protect yourself from the opponents and you are constantly getting supplies to build more things. The Hunger Games part comes in when you are fighting your opponents with your collected weapons.

One of the good parts of this animated 3rd person shooter game is that there is no blood and gore when you die. And for the parents that are still worried about the weapons being too “dangerous”, there is a rainbow unicorn pickaxe that is available to use. It is also all cartoon violence and there is nothing to scare you or your kid. Now, you may think that there still is too much violence (surprising), but most of the players just get killed when they are out of the storm’s eye. In the normal Battle Royale mode, there is a set circle which is called the storm’s eye. If you are outside of it while the storm is progressing, it will keep reducing your health and eventually, it will kill you.

However, for every good thing, there is always a bad side. Unfortunately, Fortnite is very addicting for kids and it is very hard to put down. I suggest you control their usage of the game and definitely not allow them to download it on their phones. Because this is an online game and there is always the kid that is mean to everyone else, you should definitely oversee who they become friends with and who they talk to on the mics. Out of the game, downloading Epic Games and Fortnite both take up a lot of space on your device. To add on to all of that, if you have a small computer it might crash a couple of times and it will definitely lag due to the massive amount of people playing at the same time.

But according to me, Fortnite is a really entertaining game and I really enjoy working together with other people to become the best duo on the server. Thanks for reading this blog post, and I hope after reading this you will be able to make a more knowledgeable choice on whether or not to let your child play Fortnite. Bye!

New Coaches!

Recently our LEGO Robotics team got 2 new coaches, Coach V (my dad) and Coach E! At first, we only had one, but now with three coaches, we can do more things. This post is just an update, so I won’t bore you and I will keep it short. My dad is the head of Core Values, Coach E is the head of robot design, and Coach D is the head of the Robot Run. We have also given each other nicknames depending on what we are the leaders of. Some of my friends’ names are Rapping Robot Runner, Cooperative Cat, and Queen Code. We did that because it would be better if we had something to tell the judges in our Core Values presentation. Right now we are working on all of the sections that are required. Yesterday we were planning out our new Core Values poster, and today we are going to work on our robot run. We only have, let’s see, 13 more days before the competition on the 27th. We will not have time to work on that day so naturally, I am not counting it. That is everything we have done since my last blog post. Bye!