So Much Tennis!

If any of you readers have been on the blog before, you will know that I love tennis so much. I play 4-5 days a week, and I like to think that I am skilled at it. (:P) I have played since I was five years old, and I don’t plan to stop for a long time. Today I played for a long time, because I had to go to two tennis events, the junior league at Dodds Tennis Center, and a PlaySight match with some of the other young tennis players in the area. For my first match, I played a sophomore in high school who was a little bit better and a lot taller than me. I took a small early lead in the first set, but then he caught up and equaled it to 2-2. It went to 3-2 in my favor, and we took a short break. It kept going back and forth, 3-3, 4-3, 4-4, until it became 6 to 6. When you get to 6-6, you play a seven point tiebreaker. I easily won this, 7-2. I had taken the first set. The second set went much like the first one, except at the end of the set, he broke my serve and swung the score to 5-4 in his favor. Fortunately for me, I managed to get it to 6 all, going to another seven point tiebreaker. However, this one was not as easy. If I had won the tiebreaker, the match would have been over and I would have won. However, for some reason I choked on the win and gave the second tiebreaker to my opponent. Because we had split sets, or both won one set, we had to play a final ten point tiebreaker to decide the winner of the match. We were both playing our best games, and we both won and lost points. However, at the end of the breaker, he was ahead ten to eight. I was a few points from winning a match against someone who was four years older than me. But I wasn’t mad at losing at that match, because I had a lot of fun and I now have a lot points to work on at practice.

That was my best match at the PlaySight tournament with my friends. Thank you for reading this blog post, and I hope you enjoyed it too. If you did, please read my other posts on this blog. If you didn’t like it, complain to your friends and maybe they’ll read some of my posts as well. See you next time!

Refereeing at the U.S. Open!

It was a bright sunny day in the Louis Armstrong Stadium and Rafael Nadal had won the US open again! What a tragedy it was for Djokovic to lose against Nadal in the championship. He was pretty good, but not good enough! If he had played better, he would have won. According to me, he did too many unforced errors which Nadal took advantage of and kept the pressure on.

As a referee, I could not be partial to any one player, but I did have a favorite in my heart and I was glad to see my favorite win the match. Earlier in the day, I had walked into the stadium before the players, The players came in right after me and after waving to the crowd they took their seats and arranged their tennis bag and their rackets. They also took some pictures and then started practicing. After five minutes of that, I called for them to come to the net for the racket spin.

Following that they shook hands and started the game. If you didn’t know, a game is 5 points, a set is six games, and a match is 3-5 sets. The game started with an ace by Djokovic and he actually won the set 6 games to 2! Every time Nadal was at 40-0 Djokovic came right up and won the game.

In the 3rd game of the 1st set Djokovic was serving, and I awarded the point to Nadal because the linesman had raised his right hand. Djokovic challenged the point because he thought his serve was an ace. I had to show the close camera and it was an ace for Djokovic. The linesman had made a wrong call and the point was awarded to Djokovic. You see, one of the jobs of a referee is to put replays on the screen if someone challenges. Players can only have 3 challenges in a set.

But later in the game, Djokovic started making too many unforced errors and quickly went right down and Nadal won the match with ease. If Nadal hadn’t believed in himself Djokovic would have won the championship. After the match was over they both shook hands with me. They went to their seats and wiped their sweat off.

Finally, Djokovic walked off of the court. After taking them off, Nadal even through his wristbands and his headband into the audience. To top it all off, he even signed some tennis balls and hit it into the audience! There was a whole ceremony for him because he had won the entire U.S. Open, and they were both presented with their trophies.

“Aryan! Wake up, it’s time to go to school!” My mom said.

“Wait, w-what happened?” I said softly to myself.

And then it hit me. It was all a dream after all and none of it actually happened. Oh well, I guess it was good while it lasted. Anyway, I’ve got to go and get ready for school right now. Until the next dream!