My Friends Left!

Recently, two of my best friends moved to Florida. My mom and I were extremely sad to see them going as we had become very good friends with them over the time that we were in Champaign. I have been living here nearly all of my life, and I have no doubts that I will be here for a long time after this too! One of them was in my elementary school and he helped me adjust to it as I came into the school in the middle of the year. My other friend who was leaving wasn’t as close as the other one, but he still was kind and friendly. The good side of it is that One of my other best friends (as you can see, I have a very large friend group) lives a few houses down from me and we play together almost every day!

One of them was going to Weston, FL. Weston is a suburb just off of Miami. The other one is moving to Jacksonville, FL. The good thing is that we will meet up with each other soon on Thanksgiving at New Orleans, LA.

There’s not much more I can write on my friends without going on and on for a millennium, so I am going to stop here. Don’t forget, there more to come!

The End

(or is it?)

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