Band: TRUMPET!!!!!

Recently I enrolled in band class because I was interested in playing the trumpet. I like the trumpet because you can play high and you can play low. Now that I have it I play two instruments – drums and the trumpet. I sometimes play it on my porch because my mom does not like me playing it inside and I like disturbing other people in the neighborhood. Two of my friends are playing the trumpet too; their names are Daniel and Zhaoxin. Zhaoxin’s brother plays the saxophone so he can get her better at the trumpet as the sax is also a brass instrument. My dad did not rent the trumpet because after everything you need to do for it including the repairs and tax adds up to more than what the trumpet is actually worth. That is all I have to say about my new trumpet and I will be starting class next week. I hope you stay and read my next blog post and definitely check out my posts that I have done before this.


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