Geothermal Power Plants

For the past week, a group of classmates and I were working on a science project. We were in the energy unit and we have chosen the topic geothermal. While we could have gotten something cool like solar power, we got the act of extracting heat from the Earth. BORING. However, this was before we even knew what it was.

Geothermal energy is the heat that you get from the inside of the Earth. All of this heat is made in the core of the Earth and then it goes to the stored water underground. But this water is hard to come by, so it takes time to find a spot to start making energy from it.

We made a reenactment of how the hot water from the ground gets transferred to electricity and then it is sent to your house. Though this does not actually work, it shows what happens in real life. As you can see in the picture, cold water goes into the hot water below the ground. Then, the steam produced by the hot and cold water mixing together is taken up to the plant. Next, they turn the steam into electricity and it goes to your home. And the best part about it is that it is a 100 percent renewable energy source! Unfortunately, only 15 percent of Americans use fromsof energy that aren’t extracted from the earth (not including geothermal).

We made this model using cardboard and wood pieces. The generator is made with popsicle sticks and wood blocks, while the power plant and the house are both made from cardboard. As you can see, we used shoeboxes for the housing of the representation.

From this project, I have learned that geothermal energy is a good energy source. In the future, I want to find out more about why more people do not use this form of energy production as much. Thanks for reading!

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