Our Trip to the Smokies!

My family always goes on a trip out of the city every summer break. And as we do a lot of the times, we chose to go to North and South Carolina to spend the rest of our break. A lot of our relatives live there, so it is always really fun in the Carolinas.

We left home at 10:00 AM on a Friday, but that was much later than we meant to. We were supposed to go at 8:00, but we had not prepared properly the other night and we had to do most of the stuff right then. When we finally had gotten into the car, though, it was really hot and sunny. We did a coin toss for the shady side of the car, and I got the left side. THE SUNNY SIDE. For some reason, I always lost coin tosses. But I had a towel and I used it to block out the sun from getting on me. Anyway, when we left I felt fine. I am mostly fine with car trips, but this one was really long and tiring. We had hardly anything to do and to make it even worse, it started raining really hard in Kentucky. We could barely see what was happening in front of us! There was also a tornado warning where we were.

And finally, after 8 hours of driving, we got to Gatlinburg, TN. We were staying at a log cabin instead of a hotel. What creeped me out was that we were staying on a mountain and they said that bears were common around there. In fact, we saw 2 bears in the early morning searching the garbage for food. Comforting, huh? But besides the cabin, the rest of Gatlinburg was very tourist-friendly and there was lots of entertainment. We went to some restaurants and we also went go-karting!!!!!! I had gone go-karting once before, but it wasn’t that fun because of all of the older and better people. However, this time, there were not as many people. My dad and my sister did it with me, so it was a lot more fun. I drove at the highest speed you could go and I got first out of everyone that was there. In fact, the only thing I did not like about go-karting there was that there was this kid who would not stop bumping into me.

After doing all of our sight-seeing (which was cut short by the rain) and go-karting, we went shopping at the outlet malls. Surprisingly, we had not been there for a long time before we left, but that was probably because all of the stores had already closed. But anyway, we were all very tired after all of that fun stuff and we had to wake up early in the morning, so we drove back to our cabin. The next morning, we packed up everything that was ours in the cabin and set off to North Carolina. That journey was not very eventful, but it was a lot better than driving 8 hours in the car. That trip was (only) five hours.

I would tell you about what happened in North and South Carolina, but I have not finished the trip yet. I hope you enjoyed that post about my trip to North Carolina. There will definitely be more about this soon! But for now, I have to go. Bye!

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