Boys Basketball 2019-2020

This year I am trying out competitive basketball at my school. I have never played basketball competitively with other schools before this, so I was really nervous. I also didn’t want a coach who would only put in the better players, because inside I knew that the players with more experience would get more playing time that way. However, that is nothing like what happened this year. Our coach is extremely welcoming, and he will let everyone play in games and in practice, even if you never touched a basketball in your life before you stepped into the first practice. We don’t have designated positions, except for two people: Our point guard, who brings up the ball to half-court in our possessions and makes the decisions for which plays that we call in a game. We also have our main defender, who constantly darts around the court and yells at the offense for the ball, therefore pressuring them to make a pass quickly. The taller people on the team are usually towards the baseline of our side of the court, because they can block jump shots and layups easier than the shorter people. I have usually started for the first 5 games, even though I had never really played a game of basketball before that. I knew the basics though. In our team, we focus on passing, rather than dribbling. We have plays in the offensive side of the court, and the defensive. Our main offensive play is Flex. This is when 2 of the players go to the corners, 2 to the wings, and then one person to the block under the basket. We pass the ball between each other, and then screen for each other and cut into the middle of the block and make a layup. We do these as shell drills, which means that there is no defense guarding us while we do this. However, this is not a good thing because we don’t know what the other team is going to do in a game to counter this offense. This is just one of the many plays that we have for our games. That’s it for now! Thanks!

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