Cousins are coming to town!

Today my cousins from Switzerland are coming to stay for two nights. I am writing this right before they are going to come. I am sort of nervous that they are coming because I haven’t seen them for a really long time. The thing that I am excited for is that this time I am going to beat my cousin Eshan at table tennis.The last time we met them was one year ago in winter break for one night. We went there on our trip to florida (read that part here: ‎) .

Sorry, I had to go at that part. They have just left, and I already sort of miss them. Eshan is the older sibling, and Avi is the younger one. I just found out that Eshan is really good at table tennis,  but I still think I am better than him. Yesterday, we played cricket outside and a little bit of football with that. Today they only stayed till ten, but we still played a little before they went. They taught me this game called around the world with ping pong. It was really fun doing that. I think the best part was when Eshan did hindi class with us, while his dad and my dad taught class. It was really fun playing with them, and I really want to meet them again. Bye! I will write again later, but for now, see you later!

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