Halo 5 XBOX One game!

This new Xbox game is a very violent shooting game that requires a lot of strategy. There is a blue team and a red team. When I was playing with two of my friends, we kept on getting on the bad team because we were so bad. It is a first person shooter game depicting robots in a team fighting against the other team. In a fantasy world, the robots have real and fake guns such as laser guns and those kinds of stuff.  The only game on the wii that is just a little bit similar game to it is heavy fire. Heavy fire is another first person game, but it is with people in an army. In Halo, my friends and I kept chanting a team and after many tries, we got the team we wanted. That is basically what the game is. I would recommend this game for ages 13 or over and for people that like shooting and gun games.


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