My trip to Las Vegas

If you have read one of my recent posts about going to Zion and Bryce, then you will know that my family and I just got back from a trip to Arizona, Utah, and Nevada. We went to those two national parks, and then we drove to Las Vegas, Nevada. We planned to fly out from there the following night. When we arrived in Vegas, we unfortunately were not greeted by the famous sign outside of the city, because we came in from one of the other routes. But when we pulled into our hotel, my sister and my mom were completely blown out of their minds. It was a really fancy hotel, and we had never been to one of those. Sadly, we were only staying there for one night, but that was enough. The hotel had two pools, one on the rooftop and one on the fifth floor. And what was even better was that it was in the shade, so we didn’t get sunburned while we were in the water. There was a huge TV in front of the pool, and ESPN was on. But besides the pool, there was also a lot of other cool things about it. There was an activity room, where you could play air hockey and Xbox, and there was a whole restaurant in the lobby of the place! The first night that we were in Vegas, we went to the Dancing Fountains at the Bellagio and to eat at P.F. Chang’s. That restaurant was one of my parent’s favorites when they used to live in Texas, but there it was a little bit of a letdown. The service was pretty bad and the food wasn’t that great either. The only saving grace for me was the fried rice. That night, we looked out of our window and just took in the magnitude of the city of lights, and then turned in to sleep. When we woke up the next morning, we immediately went downstairs to the pool because no one was in it at the time. But 30 minutes after we got in, a woman came and announced to everyone there that there would be an Aqua Fit class and anyone was welcome to join. At first my sister was reluctant to go to the class, but then she succumbed to my mom’s asking and went to the center of the pool to join the others doing the class. After we finally got out of the pool and went to shower and change, we checked out of our hotel and went to the mall. We looked at shoes for my sister as she needed new ones for the coming school year, and we just walked around and looked at different things. The highlight of the day for me was going to the Pinball Hall of Fame. It’s not the biggest and most fanciest of places, but it was really fun to play old-school pinball games for just 25 cents! We stayed there for about half an hour and had fun on the machines there. They have almost 200 games there! We were in that part of Las Vegas because we were just using time before we got to the airport for our flight. We also went to a local Indian store, just to see how it would be in other places compared to ours. It was gigantic! It probably used to be a warehouse judging by the size of it. It also had a little cafe/restaurant inside it where it had a lot of Indian street foods. However, the food that we ordered wasn’t that good. While we were there, Spirit, our flight company, sent my dad an email that said our flight was delayed until 1:30 AM! We were all really frustrated at this, and we were looking for another place to spend time, like the movies, but then 30 minutes later he got another email! This one was saying that our gate had been changed and the timing would go back to what it originally was, 10:50 PM. So we rushed to the airport and went through security. It was really lucky that my dad saw that email in time, or else we could have missed our flight! But anyway, that was the last part of our trip to Vegas. It was a lot of fun, and we saw many different places than we saw last time that we went there (two years ago with some of my relatives from India). Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed this Blog post about our trip! Please leave a comment about this post if you liked it, and if you did, you can read some of the other posts on this website. Bye!

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