Official 2020 Recap (+Holidays) Part 1!

There’s no denying that this year has been one of the most devastating and unusual years of our lives for everyone with us right now, but there were also some good things that came with the bad. I this blog post, I’ll talk about how my 2020 went, and at the end, I will add a little bit about my winter holidays.

I’ll mostly skim through January and February because nothing much happened through those months. We had just finished winter break and no one was looking forward to going back to school after relaxing for 2 and a half weeks. I had just come back from traveling to North Carolina, so I was tired and really wanted to stay home for a few days to get back into the game. I also had tennis practice starting back up, and I couldn’t miss any more of those. My basketball season had just ended, and I wanted to get back in the rhythm of going to practice regularly with my friends or my coach. In February, I was used to going to school again, and the coursework at that time wasn’t too bad as we weren’t close to the midterms or the finals yet. At the beginning of March, everyone was finding out about COVID-19, but no one was worried about it yet. In the middle of march, my birthday rolls around, but this was also when our schools said that we wouldn’t come back to school for another two weeks after spring break. Everyone was overjoyed with this news because this meant that we got 14 extra days to do whatever we wanted with no homework to worry about. Little did we know, we would be out of school for so much longer.

When my school finally decided to go fully online around April we were all extremely sad, but we thought it would be fun to stay home for our classes for a month, and then when summer vacation comes, we would be back to seeing our friends and going out places without worrying about getting a deadly virus. Around summertime, COVID cases were actually going down in my area and most of the US as a whole. But as the three months of summer vacation dragged along, we realized that it would be a very long time until we would be able to go back to school in person and see our classmates and teachers. At this point, I was mostly just doing some extra work and volunteering in online camps. I also took a camp about python.

That’s the end of part 1! I hope you enjoyed reading about my 2020 experience, and the second part will be coming in a few days if not tomorrow. Come back soon for part two, and see you next time!

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