Official Recap of 2020 (+Holidays) Part 3!

We’re back yet again discussing how the year 2020 has affected my life. In the 2nd part of this “series”, we ended around the beginning of October.

This was around the time that we were all waiting for another break to start. October was 2-3 months after school started, and no one was enjoying school like they did in-person. There was one good thing at the end of October, Halloween. Obviously, we couldn’t go over to our friends’ houses and celebrate with them, but my sister and I went out with masks on our bikes to go collect candy. It wasn’t as fun as a normal Halloween, but it was still a great change from staying inside all day and being on our computers.

November was mostly the same because there was one event at the end of the year that everybody was looking forward to: Fall break. The entire month was pretty much the same thing over and over again every week. We also had to stop going to tennis because our state, Illinois, went into tier 3 of quarantine. This meant that things like bars, gyms, and recreational centers like the place I play tennis at had to close. So I started to go out with my friends on bike rides to outdoor tennis courts in the freezing cold weather. We had to find some way to keep playing and not waste the training we had gotten, and this was the only way. Obviously, we had masks on the whole time we were traveling, and we only took them off on the court. As the end of November came, one of my aunts arrived to visit my grandparents, and we had Thanksgiving dinner with her. We don’t actually celebrate it, but we use it as an excuse to cook and bake some delicious things once a year. We made cornbread, chocolate mousse, turkey meatloaf, and many other things. November ended, and things in our house went mostly back to normal. There is not a lot to say about what has been happening during these months, because everything was canceled and we were supposed to stay inside.

And finally, the end of December came, and the end of 2020. Around December 19, another one of my aunts came to visit us and my grandparents. It is always really fun whenever people come to visit us because we get to see them here instead of traveling in the car to North Carolina to see them. Again, my family doesn’t celebrate Christmas, but we take the time to give each other gifts that we have really been wanting for the past few months. It’s also time for our family to get together. We had to all wear masks while people were visiting, but it was fun nonetheless. We made food that we had never tried before, and all of it turned out amazing. New Year’s isn’t that big of a deal for us, and especially this year because we couldn’t go to any kind of party. We just all sat downstairs and watched the ball drop, and then watched a good movie.

And here we are! This was a recap of my entire year, from start to finish. It was definitely a new experience for all of us, and I hope that it gets better in the future with the vaccine being approved and cases starting to go down again (in my state, at least). I hope you enjoyed reading these past three blog posts. I will be posting again soon, so I’ll see you then.

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