politics with aryan… *sigh*

As many of you know, there has been a myriad of controversial things happening since the summer, and I wanted to make a short summary of everything that has been happening around us for the past few months. This isn’t one of the topics that particularly interests me to write about, but I feel like I needed to put something out there about what has been happening over this extremely turbulent year.

Starting off in June-July, the BLM (Black Lives Matter) Protests started happening in response to growing police brutality after the death of George Floyd. I completely agree with those protests, as the officer that killed this innocent man knelt on him for 8 minutes while the others kept witnesses from interfering. In response to this, police stopped the protests with brute force, ramping up the protests even more. Most of these protests were non-violent, but some people thought they were dangerous so some citizens were bringing out guns on these nonviolent protesters.

Moving a few months on, the campaigns for both Donald Trump and Joe Biden were in full flow. Obviously, COVID exists during this time, so it was harder for some people to congregate together. Biden reduced his public talks to a minimum, and when he had to, masks were always mandated. Some of his speeches were also done on a stage with people staying in their cars listening and social distancing. The sitting president, Donald Trump, was hosting speeches without mask mandates and people were not social distancing, causing each one of these events to become a super-spreader. This is when a big group of people are in the same place without adequate distancing and masks. One result of these are increased numbers of COVID cases. This also creates a bad example for the rest of the country. It makes the case that “if the president is doing it, why can’t I?”. But if we all did these kinds of events on a much smaller scale in our homes, the cases and deaths would skyrocket like they are doing right now.

Going forward a few more months, we find ourselves at the end of November and also right before the presidential election takes place. Because of the pandemic, many of the votes being counted were early votes, meaning it would take time for them to reach the vote-counting locations. This resulted in the election taking almost 4 days to have a distinct winner, Joe Biden from the democratic party. This would have been a closed matter, but Mr. President wanted to pursue his belief that the election was rigged and the votes were altered and removed during the mailing process of the early votes. He took this thought to the supreme court, and then eventually lost the case on the 6th of January, when congress counted the members who agreed and disagreed to the fact that Joe Biden won the 2020 election. Trump also sent out a statement finally saying that he lost the election and he was only arguing the results because he was concerned with the future of U.S. Elections.

And now, in the present day, Twitter has pemanently banned Trump’s account, and Facebook has suspended it until the end of his term because of planning the recent attack on the capitol building. Saying it was a “heinous act”, and “treason on our democracy” were his words to try to save himself from some of what is coming to him after his presidency.

Thanks for reading this more serious post on my blog. I hope you enjoyed, and let me know in the comments if you want more things like this rather than the usual topic I write about on my website. See you next time!

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