Why is Studying History Important?

Today I will be talking about why history is important. History tells us how our world got created and how it got developed. It tells about a lot of different countries and their beginnings. Reading History we get to know which are the oldest civilizations of the world. For example the Romans are considered the oldest civilization.

Historians have helped us to know how people from different continents traveled across the world. For example, African people were made slaves and brought to America in boats. They were brought here to be servants.

History tells us what mistakes we’ve made. For example, segregation. That was a HUGE mistake made by our people. Segregation is saying that if your skin color is different so you have different privileges. There were even different bathrooms for them! It is very stupid. Why would anyone do that? It is not like they are any different. They are still people. Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks fought the segregation and won.

By studying History we can try and not repeat our mistakes because we get to see what bad things happened with those mistakes. So it can help us in becoming better people.

I think it is important to learn history because if we did not have history we would not know who the older presidents were and what they did. We even would not know who George Washington was!

History helps us get to know about the different inventions from the past and who made those. It helps us see how different things were in the olden times and how our lives got easier because of those inventions. For example if the Wright brothers did not invent flying it would still take us days to travel from one place to another and very long ship rides from one country to another.

According to me studying History is very important.


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